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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Citizen-Centered Service Delivery Project



  • P180707

  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Citizen-Centered Service Delivery Project

  • Pakistan

  • OP00344900

  • Invitation for Bids

  • Published

  • PK-NADRA-457164-GO-RFB

  • Request for Bids

  • English

  • Mar 12, 2025 14:00

  • Mar 12, 2025


  • National Database and Registration Authority

  • Khalid Inayat Ullah

  • HQ NADRA State Bank of Pakistan Building Shahreh-e-Jamhuriat G 5/2 Islamabad

  • Pakistan

  • Pakistan

  • 051-90392588


NOTE: This procurement activity is already under process and the SPN has already been issued with a submission deadline of 11-Feb-2025 by and before 1400 Hrs. SPN publishing with submission deadline 12-Mar-2025 is just for the sake of STEP record update.

1. The Government of Pakistan has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of KP Citizen Centered Service Delivery Project and  intends  to  apply  part  of  the  proceeds  toward  payment  under  the  contract  for Procurement of Electricity Generators for field offices of this project, the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in the World Bank’s Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing.

2. National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Procurement of Electricity Generators as follows: -
Lot No.       Item Name                                                                                           Quantity
Lot-1           Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of 20 KVA                 27
                   Generator Set at Project’ CFCS
                   Annual maintenance and consumable replacement contract for 2

3. Bidder  (Manufacturers/Vendors/Suppliers/Dealers) qualification  requirements  are  as follows: 
A. Having minimum five (05) years of experience in providing at least three hundred (300)  similar  or  higher  specs  Genset  units  throughout  the  organizations (nationally). Valid Copies of previous purchase orders/ contracts must be attached with the bids. 
B. Letter  of satisfaction  comprising of time/  target-oriented  deliveries  and timely maintenance from previous clients.
C. Evidence of  registration  with  PEC (Pakistan  Engineering  Council)  in  relevant category and other  relevant  government authorities  at  least  for  last  three  (03) years.
D. OEM or  Directly  authorized  by  OEM or  Authorized  Distributor  of  OEM or Manufacturing Authorization Letter (MAL).
E. Written undertaking conforming the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety  Management  System  (OHSMS),  Environmental  Management  and Psychological Health in the Work Place.
F. National Tax Number and Sales Tax Number Registration Certificates. Must be listed on the active taxpayers list (Income & Sales Tax) at FBR.
G. Non-Blacklist  affidavit/  certificate  confirming  that  bidder  has  never  been blacklisted by Bank and/or any Government organization.
H. The bidders  must have verifiable  warehouse/store/office  presence  in  Pakistan. (Provide addresses, phone, fax numbers, e-mail address as well as names and designations of responsible persons).
I. Catalog/ brochure of the items being offered.
J. Written undertaking conforming the exclusion of any forced and child labor along with a list of workers and their detailed particulars.
K. Written  undertaking  for  a  minimum 2000  hours  or  2  Years  warranty  of  the generator  set.  Warranty  period  should  cover  preventive  and  corrective maintenance with parts and consumables.
L. Written undertaking elaborating the maintenance schedule/ methodology of fault rectification and expected timelines between 24-48 Hours.

4. Bidding  will  be  conducted  through  the  National  Competitive  Bidding  (NCB) procedures  as  specified  in  the  World  Bank’s  Procurement  Regulations  for  IPF Borrowers:  Procurement  in  Investment  Project  Financing  Goods,  Works,  NonConsulting and Consulting Services July 2016, Revised November 2017, August 2018 and November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 3.14 and 3.15 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

5. Bidder must read the BDs before submission of the Bid. The BDs contain Specifications, Instructions, Conditions and forms for participating in the Bid. The BDs (complete set) may be purchased by the Bidder upon a written request on Bidder’s official letterhead addressed to the  Procurement  Specialist  (KP-CCSD)  at  the  given address  and upon payment  of a non-refundable fee of PKR:2,000/= through Bank Deposit  Slip at  HBL
Bank in favor of “NADRA Headquarters. Account No. 0004600051009601”. Bidding documents can be seen at

6. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from National Database & Registration  Authority  (NADRA),  Procurement  Specialist and inspect the bidding documents during office hours 0830 Hrs to 1630 Hrs at the address given below.

7. A Pre-Bid Meeting to explain the online bid submission with the Bidders who purchased or downloaded the BDs shall be held on 29th January, 2025 at 1400 Hrs.

8. Bids must be submitted to KP-CCSD Project on or before 11th February, 2025 at 1400 Hrs. Late bids shall be rejected. The bidders are requested to give their best and final prices as no negotiations are expected.

9. Opening of  bids will  be done on same day at  1430 Hrs in Project  Office NADRA. Representative(s) may attend bid opening activity, who choose to attend the same.

10. BIDs must be accompanied by a Bid Security 2% in form of Deposit at Call or Cashier Certified Check or Bank Guarantee (in form provided in BDs) issued by any scheduled Bank of Pakistan. Bids without required original bid security at the time of bid opening will be treated as non-responsive. Bids must be valid for 120 days.