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  • P171924

  • RMI Education and Skills Strengthening Project

  • Marshall Islands

  • OP00327170

  • Request for Expression of Interest

  • Published

  • MH-MOE-463708-CS-INDV

  • Individual Consultant Selection

  • English

  • Dec 23, 2024 17:00

  • Dec 06, 2024


  • Ministry of Education

  • Susan Komwa

  • P.O. Box 3 Majuro, Majuro Atoll 96960 RMI

  • Marshall Islands

  • Marshall Islands

  • 6924585198





Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) 

Education and Skills Strengthening Project

Grant no.: IDA-D7600 

Assignment Title:  Recognition and Prior Learning Consultant (International)

Reference No : MH-MOE-463708-CS-INDV


The Government of the Republic of Marshall Islands has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Education and Skills Strengthening Project (ESSP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. 


The consulting services (“the Services”) will assist the Project Manager and the RMI National Training Council to effectively implement the World Bank-funded project.


The assignment will focus on supporting the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in creating a framework for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for TVET, aimed at helping the College of the Marshall Islands and the RMI National Training Council evaluate and enhance the skills of workers through accredited college certification.


The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment is indicated in the attached Terms of Reference (ToR).


The National Training Council now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (attach a Cover Letter of no more than four (4) pages addressing the mandatory experience and qualification requirements curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, etc.). Firms’ staff may express interest through the employing firm for the assignment and, under such a situation, only the experience and qualifications of individuals shall be considered in the selection process. The criteria for electing the Consultant are:  



A. Mandatory Qualifications and Experience 

  • Master's degree in education, training, management, or a related field.

  • Minimum of 5-10 years of experience working in TVET System.

  • Curriculum Design and systems.

  • Possess 2-5 years’ experience in designing and implementing RPL. frameworks, policies, and procedures. Sample of previous work will be required as proof for previous experience.

  • Excellent communication, training, and facilitation skills.

  • Experience with working with diverse stakeholders, including government. agencies, TVET institutions, employers, and learners in the Pacific.


B. Desired Qualifications and Experience 

  • Ability to deal sensitively in a multicultural environment and build effective team working relationships with clients and relevant stakeholders.


The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 revised November 2020 “Procurement Regulations”, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.


Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours; 0900 to 1700 hours local time.


Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by email) by 5:00pm, 23rd December, 2024. The subject line should state: "National Training Council Strategic Plan Consultant - full name of the candidate".


Julius Lucky

National Training Council :
Phone: 692 625-4521


Susan Kommwa

Project Manager, ESSP 





Republic of the Marshall Islands

Ministry of Education, Sports and Training

Terms of Reference for Individual Consultant 



Recognition and Prior Learning Consultant (International)


Ministry of Education, Sports and Training, Republic of the Marshall Islands


100 days spread in 6 months

Tentative Start Date

January 2024

Activity reference number




The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is one of the world’s smallest, most isolated, and vulnerable nations. The country consists of 29 atolls and five individual islands (24 out of these 34 atolls and islands are inhabited). It covers an area of 1.9 million square km (around the size of Mexico) but has just 181 square km in land area (around the size of Washington, DC). Its low elevation makes the country highly vulnerable to natural and climate related disasters threatening the physical viability of some areas of the main and more remote outer islands (OI).


Project summary

In RMI, participation in secondary and post-secondary education and training as well as poor academic performance across the board is a main concern and the labor market faces a dual challenge of skills gaps and a high formal sector unemployment (especially among youths). 

The Education and Skills Strengthening Project (ESSP) aims to increase access to and quality of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) opportunities and improve labor market outcomes for Marshallese beneficiaries in RMI and abroad. This project is designed to address the RMI’s challenges in building and using its human capital. The Project was approved by the World Bank's Board of Directors on 21st January 2021 and declared effective on 6th April 2021. The International Development Association (IDA) grant for the operation is US$10 million.

The key stakeholders to this project include the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Training (MOEST), Public-School System (PSS), the National Training Council (NTC), and the Ministry of Finance, Banking and Postal Services, Division of International Development Assistance (DIDA). 

This project supports the following:

  1. Improvement in the general secondary education to increase acquisition of foundational skills (Math and English);

  2. Expansion and improvements in the supply of TVET programs, specialization tracks within secondary schools, accredited college-level programs in post-secondary institutions, and shorter programs by governmental and non-governmental organizations;

  3. Strengthening of the labor market intermediation services in the country such as workforce planning, counseling and career guidance, employment center, recognition of prior learning, work placement program, etc.;

  4. Project management, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Financing M&E activities to complement existing M&E systems in collecting relevant data for monitoring the project, inform needed course-correction, and evaluate outcomes of activities. As part of building MOEST capacity, the component would finance assessments, the development of a Roadmap and action to prepare for (including make efficiency gains where possible) and navigate any changes in the level of, or access to, resources or services and ways of working which may alter as a result of the Compact renegotiations process.

The project also aims to improve equity, especially related to women’s participation in TVET and in the work force and related to students, especially youths from islands other than Majuro and Ebeye. The project is supporting  Island skills and Vocational Skills tracks in public schools. Furthermore, the project has so far conducted a needs assessment to identify RMI skills gap through Skills Survey. With these range of activities, 

NTC and PSS are the technical leads for their component(s). Each Agency has assigned one staff to manage the activities for about 30 percent of their work program. For the project support, a Project Implementing Unit (PIU) is composed of two coordinators, one for NTC and another for PSS, one administrative assistant, and one Project Manager. To maximize coordination and efficiency, the PIU is located within the NTC’s office. 

At present, there is a significant demand for training, capacity building, and certification of TVET workers who have been employed without undergoing formal training from accredited TVET institutions. Employers have identified challenges such as outdated technical skills, deficiencies in Occupational Health and Safety knowledge, inadequate practical skills and knowledge application, improper equipment use, and most importantly, a lack of appropriate work ethics.



The objective of the assignment is to create a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Framework for TVET, aimed at helping the College of the Marshall Islands and the RMI National Training Council evaluate and enhance the skills of workers through accredited college certification. It is envisaged that this work will provide an efficient, cost effective and quality assurance mechanism for skilled but unqualified workers to gain national qualification for the abilities they have acquired through formal and informal learning. This will in turn assist to gain decent work, access further skills development opportunities through the formal technical and vocational Education and Training System and improve their livelihoods.


III. Scope of Services:

The scope of the consultancy will be  responsible for the following tasks:

  • Inception Report: Review existing national and international RPL policies, frameworks, and methodologies relevant to the College of the Marshall Island.

  • Stakeholder consultation: Conduct consultations and assessment with key stakeholders (employers, training providers, assessors, learners) to identify needs, concerns, and recommendations for the TVET RPL project.

  • Framework development: Develop a comprehensive RPL framework and procedures aligned with college TVET standards and best practices. This should include:

    • Identification and development  of appropriate RPL pathways for targeted occupations/qualifications.

    • Development of assessment tools and methods for recognizing skills and knowledge acquired through informal learning.

    • Guidelines for portfolio development and prior learning assessment including minimum requirements for an assessment center.

    • Guidelines on Roles and Responsibilities  of different bodies.

    • RPL processes, procedures and Resources including various templates from introduction of RPL to applicants and workers all the way to appeal.

    • Procedures for credit transfer and awarding qualifications.

  • Training of RPL assessors in TVET and Pilot testing including monitoring of implementation: Conduct training session for RPL assessors in TVET including notes for the training session thereafter a pilot test of the RPL framework with a selected group of learners and the training assessors.

  • Reporting: Prepare a final report on the RPL project.



During the assignment the Consultant will work closely with the College of the Marshall Islands, Employers the National Training Council, University of the South Pacific, Chambers of commerce. The Consultant will report directly to the Project Manager and work in close collaboration with Component 2 and 3 Coordinator during the assignment.

The Government of RMI will provide necessary documents such as Project Appraisal Documents, Project Operation Manual and all existing reports and materials related to the Project.



The position is a part–time assignment based on the RMI. The duration of the contract will be for 100 days.


VI. Key deliverables 

The Consultant will submit the following deliverables: 

  1. Inception Report: The inception report that includes RMI and country context and international best practices. The report should at a minimum include a work plan defining the phases of the assignment, key deliverables, and milestones; the assessment methodology containing data collecting tools and analysis methods and a framework for the training guidelines and needs assessment report to be submitted 2 weeks after signing the contract. 

  2. Stakeholders Consultation Report: Outlining the highlight of identified needs, concerns, and  recommended framework.

  3. RPL Framework, Processes, Procedures and Resources for TVET sector

  4. Training report with notes for participants with associated support Support to testing of the first cohort training and certification report

  5. Final Report and .ppt presentation: The report will be shared with the HODs of relevant stakeholders to inform them of the development. The final report will be presented to key stakeholders either face to face or virtually. 





Estimate Budget (in %)


Inception Report

7 days



Stakeholder consultation

23 days



A comprehensive RPL framework and procedures

20 days



Training report

A monitoring and evaluation framework 

30 days



Support to testing of the first cohort training and certification report

15 days



Final Report

5 days







VII. Qualifications and Experience Requirements


A. Mandatory Qualifications and Experience 

  • Master's degree in education, training, management, or a related field.

  • Minimum of 5-10 years of experience working in TVET System.

  • Curriculum Design and systems.

  • Possess 2-5 years’ experience in designing and implementing RPL. frameworks, policies, and procedures. Sample of previous work will be required as proof for previous experience.

  • Excellent communication, training, and facilitation skills.

  • Experience with working with diverse stakeholders, including government. agencies, TVET institutions, employers, and learners in the Pacific.


B. Desired Qualifications and Experience 

  • Ability to deal sensitively in a multicultural environment and build effective team working relationships with clients and relevant stakeholders.