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RMI Education and Skills Strengthening Project



  • P171924

  • RMI Education and Skills Strengthening Project

  • Marshall Islands

  • OP00303770

  • Request for Expression of Interest

  • Published

  • MH-MOE-437167-CS-CQS

  • Consultant Qualification Selection

  • English

  • Aug 28, 2024 17:00

  • Aug 05, 2024


  • Ministry of Education

  • Susan Komwa

  • P.O. Box 3 Majuro, Majuro Atoll 96960 RMI

  • Marshall Islands

  • Marshall Islands

  • 692-458-5198





Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) 

Education and Skills Strengthening Project

Grant no.: IDA-D7600 

Assignment Title: Consultancy Services for the Design Services

Reference No.: MH-MOE-437167-CS-CQS


The Government of the Republic of Marshall Islands has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Education and Skills Strengthening Project (ESSP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. 


The purpose of this assignment is to procure a design consultancy firm (“Consultant”), to complete the detailed design of two dormitories and a workshop - one dormitory and a workshop for the CMI Arrak campus on Majuro Atoll, and one for Northern Islands High School (NIHS) on Wotje Atoll.


The total length of the assignment for Lump Sum (Part 1) will be for 6 months. 


The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment is attached to this REOI.


The Ministry of Education, Sports and Training now invites eligible consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. 


The attention of interested firm is drawn to paragraph 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, September, 2023. (“the Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. 


The best qualified firm will be selected using the Consultant’s Qualifications Selection (CQS) method, as outlined in the Regulations. The selection will be based on the criteria established in the Terms of Reference (TOR) regarding the firm's qualifications and staffing.


For clarification inquiries, please email Emails will be accepted up to 5 (five) business days before the EOI submission deadline.


Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be submitted electronically by email only by 5:00 PM (Majuro, Marshall Islands time) on August 28th, 2024, using the subject line: “EOI - Consultancy Services: Design Services - [Your Firm Name”]. Printed or hard copies are not required.


Julius Lucky

National Training Council
Phone: 692 625-4521




Malie Tarbwillin

Assistant Secretary
Division of International Development Assistance

Phone: 692 625 5968

Susan Kommwa

Project Manager

Education and Skills Strengthening Project (ESSP)

Ministry of Education, Sports and Training

Phone: +692 458-5198

Majuro Atoll 96960

Republic of the Marshall Islands



Terms of Reference



Consultancy Services for the Design Services

Client, Location:

Ministry of Education, Sports and Training, Republic of the Marshall Islands


6 months

Tentative Start Date

September, 2024





The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is one of the world’s smallest, most isolated, and vulnerable nations. The country consists of 29 atolls and five individual islands (24 out of these 34 atolls and islands are inhabited). It covers an area of 1.9 million square km (around the size of Mexico) but has just 181 square km in land area (around the size of Washington, DC). The population was estimated at 58,413 in 2018, of which around 28,000 (53 percent) reside in Majuro (the country’s capital) and 10,000 (18 percent) in Ebeye, the two largest urban centers. Its low elevation makes the country highly vulnerable to natural and climate related disasters threatening the physical viability of some areas of the main and more remote outer islands (OI).


Project summary

The RMI Education and Skills Strengthening Project (ESSP) aims to increase access and quality of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) opportunities and improve labor market outcomes for Marshallese beneficiaries in RMI and abroad.


This project will support the following:


●      Improvement in the general secondary education to increase acquisition of foundational skills (Math and English);

●      Expansion and improvements in the supply of technical and vocational training programs, specialization tracks within secondary schools, accredited college-level programs in post-secondary institutions, and shorter programs by governmental and non-governmental organizations;

●      Strengthening of the labor market intermediation services in the country such as workforce planning, counseling and career guidance, employment center, recognition of prior learning, work placement program;

●      Project management and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Financing M&E activities would complement existing M&E systems in collecting relevant data for monitoring the project, inform needed course-correction, and evaluate outcomes of activities.


The project includes four components [1] as set out below:


Component 1: Access to and Quality of Foundational and Vocational Secondary Education.

This component aims to improve the acquisition of foundational skills (English and math), market-relevant skills, and practical skills of all secondary school students. The component also aims to address specific needs of students from outer islands.


Component 2: Access to and Quality of Technical and Vocational Skills Development.

This component aims to increase equitable access to quality and relevant (a) TVET programs (1–2 years) leading to college-level certificate or diploma and (b) short (less than a year) skills development courses.


Component 3: Strengthening Institutions for Workforce Development.

This component aims to strengthen workforce planning, recognition of skills, and employment services with a view to improving labor market outcomes for Marshallese at home and abroad.


Component 4: Project Implementation Support, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.

This component provides technical and operational assistance on project implementation and management and selected cross-cutting planning, capacity building, and M&E activities.



1.     The Implementing Agency (IA) for the project is the Ministry of Education, Sports and Training (MOEST). Other key stakeholders include the Ministry of Finance, Banking and Postal Services (MoFB&PS), the Ministry of Public Works, Infrastructure and Utilities (MPWIU), the Office of the Chief Secretary (OCS), the Public School System (PSS), College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) and the National Training Council (NTC).


A Project Implementation Unit (PIU) has been established within MOEST to support the ministry to manage and implement key project-related tasks including project planning, coordination, technical, financial management, procurement and contract management, environmental and social risk management, and monitoring and reporting throughout the project implementation period. The Central Implementation Unit (CIU) established under the MoFB&PS supports MOEST. The CIU support focuses on provision of services related to the preparation of project documents and management of fiduciary functions (procurement and financial management) and environmental and social risk management. To maximize coordination and efficiency, the PIU is located within the NTC’s office based in the CMI in Majuro.


The PIU is entrusted with the overall coordination functions for the ESSP. The PIU is headed by the Project Manager and includes positions: two coordinators, one for NTC and one for PSS, and one administrative assistant. Additional staff will include one 1 coordinator for Eyebe, one communication officer and one M&E specialist. NTC and PSS are the technical leads for their component(s).




The goal of this project is to hire a design firm (“Consultant”), to complete the detailed design of two dormitories and a workshop - one dormitory and a workshop for the CMI Arrak campus on Majuro Atoll, and one for Northern Islands High School (NIHS) on Wotje Atoll.


Based on initial consultations, the Government of RMI (GoRMI) has prepared concept designs for each site which are provided as Annex A and will be provided in AutoCAD format to the successful Consultant.


Site topographic surveys have been completed for CMI Arrak and will be provided to the successful Consultant. For NIHS, the Consultant will need to complete topographic surveys.  The consultant needs to include the cost of conducting the topographic survey for NIHS in their financial proposal.


Ground conditions (bore logs or testing) have not been completed yet for either sites.


The Consultant will use the concept designs and develop full designs following further consultation with the client, and site investigations, as detailed below. The Consultant will then prepare bidding documents for the works to be carried out and support the client on an as-needed basis during the tender evaluation phase.




1.     General


The MoEST requires consultancy services (including all relevant environmental and social management inputs) from design consultancy firm to undertake:


i.      Consultation and site visits

ii.    Concept Design Review Report

iii.   Preliminary Design

iv.   Detailed Design

v.    Preparation of specifications and bill of quantities

vi.   Preparation of necessary social and environmental safeguard documents

vii.   Preparation of Engineering Estimate

viii.        Preparation of Detailed Bidding Documents for small works in accordance with World Bank standards

ix.   Assistance during tender process and with technical evaluation


2.     Design Principles

The distinctive and challenging atoll environment of the Marshall Islands presents challenges to the construction and maintenance of infrastructure. Sea level rise and climate change constitute a major threat. Furthermore, the availability of building materials and space is limited.


Marshallese culture is distinct; therefore, this project must incorporate methods to honor and commemorate this uniqueness into the deliverables. Additionally, climate and natural hazard resilience should also be at the core of the project.


Designs must account for the RMI's maintenance capability limits, which means taking into account the limited availability of repair equipment (including access restrictions) and the related high maintenance cost.

The consultant is to ensure that due consideration is given during the design process, to landscaping, shade and screen tree planting, marine habitat protection and restoration, adequate beach access, and creating recreational spaces as part of any works.


Public Health and Safety, universal accessibility, and environmental and social safeguards shall be incorporated in the design.


The Consultant shall be responsible to ensure that the design complies with the RMI Building Code 2021 Edition (reference latest IBC 2018).



The consultant shall provide Desk-top Analysis, Site Visits, Consultation, Concept Design Review, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Environmental and Social Management Instruments, Cost Estimates, and Bidding Documents.


3.     Preparation of Sub-project Environmental and Social Instruments - Stakeholder Consultations and Engagement (all pursuant to the Project Environmental & Social Management Framework [ESMF] and Stakeholder Engagement Plan)


Consultation Plan



The Consultant is not required to conduct a formal public consultation. Public consultations have already been conducted and the selected firm will be briefed on the outcomes of them.

1.2 Stakeholder engagement, however, is a key component of this Terms of Reference. This will involve presenting findings from each work stage and soliciting feedback from relevant stakeholders. The relevant Stakeholders are the MOEST, the MoFB&PS, the MPWIU, the OCS, the PSS, and the NTC.


1.3   The Consultant will be assisted by the PIU, supported by the CIU Environmental and Social Team, to organize facilities and stakeholder meetings.


1.4   Stakeholder consultations are to also include consideration of mitigation of Environmental and Social risks associated with construction activities including, but not limited to, management of temporary works, contractor’s site establishment, accommodation, and offices, laydown areas, storage areas, access arrangements, measures for the minimization of noise, vibrations, dust, and runoff arising from the Works.


1.5   An Earthmoving Permit (or permits) will be required for activities which trigger the criteria set out in the RMI Earthmoving Regulations 1989. The Client will prepare and submit the initial permit application(s). The Contractor will arrange for payment of any permits required. The Consultant will prepare Environmental and Social Impact Assessment(s) (ESIA) and associated documents for review and clearance by the PIU, CIU and the World Bank, for works following procedures set out in the Project ESMF, which have been designed to cover all relevant RMI Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) requirements as well as additional matters required under the WB Environmental and Social Framework. In preparing any ESIA or other documents, the Consultant is to give due recognition to matters raised in consultation with stakeholders.


1.6   The Consultant is to prepare and submit information in support of any required Cultural Historic Preservation Office (CHPO) approval. The preparation and submission of this documentation will necessitate the Consultant reviewing the supplied results of the prior public consultations, along with undertaking biophysical investigations. The firm will use the outcomes in ensuring compliance with RMI EPA processes. These may be in addition to or combined with formal stakeholder engagement meetings provided for in the Social, Environmental and Communication Action Plan (SECAP).



4. Confirmation of Concept Design

1.7   The Consultant will review the concept designs provided for the NIHS and CMI sites, and will undertake site visits to CMI Arrak campus and NIHS.


1.8   The Consultant shall undertake sufficient site investigations (bore logs, CBR, etc.) to enable for design of the foundations for the building. As part of the bidding document, the Consultant shall describe the nature and extent of the site investigations performed in each site.


1.9   After the site visits, the Consultant could, if the case may be, propose amendments to the original concept designs to the Client for approval. The proposed amendments shall be documented (MS PowerPoint or similar) and discussed in a Stakeholder meeting.


1.10   Following the written approval (or otherwise), the final concept designs should be prepared or finalized.


1.11   The Client’s written approval is required before proceeding with the next stage. (Allow a two-week period for Client/ World Bank review)


5. Preliminary Design, Procurement Recommendation and Safeguards


1.12   Preliminary Design: Following the written approval of the concept design for each project, the Consultant is to progress to preliminary design.


1.13   The Consultant shall incorporate into the preliminary designs their completed topographic survey for NIHS, and site investigations for both sites.


1.14   The Client will review the Consultant’s draft preliminary design proposals, make recommendations, and provide comments to the Consultant. The Consultant will incorporate the feedback and proceed to prepare and present to the Client for his approval the final preliminary design, before proceeding to detailed design.


1.15   Procurement Recommendation: Following consultation with GoRMI and a market assessment, the Consultant will make a recommendation on the best procurement approach for the physical works. The Consultant should identify an approach that minimizes delays in procuring the civil works Contractor and provide a bidding strategy to attract a competitive environment. After the written approval of the concept design the Consultant should advise the client on packaging the civil works and related infrastructure according to the Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD). The contract is expected to adhere to the ‘Small Works’ standard form of contract.


1.16 ESSP project closes on 5th January 2026. The work program needs to ensure that all works are completed including the necessary defect Notification period prior to this date. Under World Bank rules works completed after project closing cannot be financed, therefore ensuring the works are completed before project closing date is mandatory.


1.17   The procurement strategy shall consider packaging, lots/contract sizing, staging of contracts, financial and technical capacity of international and domestic contractors likely to bid, recommended qualification criteria (i.e., annual turnover, minimum plant and equipment owned or leased, qualifications / experience of key persons) to apply. The strategy should also give due consideration to the timing of the wet and dry seasons. At least two well-reasoned realistic Strategy Options should be proposed with the pros and cons, and with a clear recommendation for the preferred option. It is imperative for designs to consider the maintenance capability limitations of the RMI. This entails accounting for the restricted accessibility of repair equipment, which entails substantial maintenance costs.


1.18   For each of the work packages (or one package if a single contract is regarded as optimal strategy), a detailed breakdown of the procurement approach attributes following World Bank PPSD guidance should be provided. A matrix of key risks to the procurement strategy should be outlined and mitigation measures proposed as well. Where possible, use of domestic suppliers / consultants / contractors / sub-contractors is preferred and should be considered in the procurement strategy.


1.19   The Consultant is to also prepare a furniture schedule for the dormitories and workshop and recommend the best goods supply contractual model to acquire these (from including in the physical works contract to a separate procurement). The furniture schedule shall be sufficiently detailed (including appropriately specified) and costed to enable for tendering.


1.20   Environmental and Social Risk Management: Preparing draft Environmental and Social instruments for sub-project, as per the ESSP World Bank Environmental and Social Management Plan, including as appropriate an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP). Draft Environmental and Social Instruments shall be submitted to the Client for GoRMI and World Bank review and clearance prior to issuance of bidding documents and will then be finalized and approved for the final designs prior to any award of construction contract to undertake the works.


1.21   The Client will review the Consultant’s draft detailed design proposals, make recommendations, and provide comments to the Consultant. The Consultant will incorporate feedback and proceed to prepare and present the detailed design and bidding documents. The client review will be a hold point in the contract.


1.22   Consultant staff working in RMI will individually sign the RMI World Bank Portfolio Code of Conduct. [2]


1.23   The client review will be a hold point in the contract. Allow 2 weeks for client review.


6. Final Design and Bidding Documents


1.24   In developing the detailed design, the consultant will conduct a final round of stakeholder consultation with feedback incorporated into the design upon agreement with the GoRMI.


1.25   The detailed design shall be fully developed for each project (ready for inclusion in tender documents) and will include environmental and social management instruments as per the project-level framework documents, the preparation of specifications, bill of quantities, engineering estimates, and bidding documents.


1.26   The client review and written approval shall be obtained.




7. Assistance During Tender


1.27 The PIU will conduct the procurement process – which will follow the World Bank Standard Procurement Document or Template on behalf of the MOEST in coordination with MPWIU.


1.28 The Consultant will assist the Client, as requested, during the tendering stage, providing draft responses to the bidder’s requests for clarifications, evaluating the bids, preparing draft bid evaluation reports, and drafting the letter of award to the contractors. The Consultant will work with the CIU to ensure the procurement is in accordance with World Bank Procurement Regulations September 2023.





2.     Duration and Staffing


The Consultant will be procured according to the WB Procurement Regulations. Consultant quality-based selection (CQS) method will be used. The timeframe for the consultancy services is 6 months. The design team is expected to complete their services within 6 months from the commencement date of the contract. This will be followed by the provision of services during the tendering period for the works contract. The key expert construction supervision services will be required from the date of signing the work Contract till the completion of it.


 Required qualification of a firm 

●        Minimum 5 years' experience conducting similar assignments 

●        Demonstrate 3 similar work in terms of scope and nature 

●        Demonstrate at least 1 assignment funded by the multilateral agency, such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank or European Union 


The Consultant team should comprise of the 5  key experts as outlined below. Detailed CVs for all the experts must be provided along with the Technical Proposal by firms invited to submit detailed proposals. However, a summary table of expertise must be presented already in the Expression of Interest application, with experts’ full names and relevant professional background and assigned roles. The proposed roles or positions within the project for each expert must be specified with a clear table of division of responsibilities.




The following table outlines the required experts.





Team Leader/ Architect


●      Postgraduate degree in Architecture. An additional qualification in Project Management and Technical Audit will be an added advantage.

●      Excellent communication skills.

●      Proven 5 years’ experience of supervisory role or team management of experts.

●      Ability to work in multicultural teams and flexibility in working styles.

●      A minimum of 12-years professional experience

●      Specific professional experience: At least 8 years working experience in designing buildings and reviewing existing designs. Expertise in the use of relevant design software such as AutoCAD, Revit and graphic software

●      Experience working with World Bank procedures

●      Language skills: Excellent report writing skills in English

●      Ability to work with materials that are exposed to harsh conditions with limited scope for maintenance is also required.

●      Work experience in Pacific, Atoll or Island Nations.

●      The Team Leader will supervise preparation of procurement documents.



General description of the position:

Facilitate the followings activities:

●      Consultation sessions and site visits, review of concept for NIHS and existing designs for Arrak dormitory and workshop where appropriate make the necessary improvements based on prevailing site conditions;

●      Elaboration of architectural, structural and electrical design for the dormitories and workshop;

●      Adaptation of the designs to include cross cutting issues such as gender, environment and special needs for people with disabilities;

●      Production of Bills of Quantities and preliminary cost estimates for the works for each site and drafting of works tender dossiers. Approval process;



Senior Civil Engineer

●      Licensed / Chartered civil engineer, or equivalent, with more than 10 years of experience in school infrastructure design and delivery.

●      A demonstrated understanding of longevity in the context of materials that are exposed to harsh conditions with limited maintenance is required.

●      Advantage: Experience in Pacific, Atoll or Island Nations.


Environmental and Social Specialist

Qualifications and skills required:

●      Postgraduate degree in Environmental Science, Social Science, Environmental Economics, Natural Resources Management or relevant scientific discipline is required.

●      Excellent communication and facilitation skills

General professional experience:

●      A minimum of 6-years professional experience


Specific professional experience:

●      At least 6 years’ experience in environment and social management roles.

●      Experience in dealing with climate issues will be an added advantage.

●      Technical knowledge related to development agency Environment and Social risk management standards.

●      Experience in developing and managing Environment and Social programs and providing Environment & social risk management advisory services

●      Language skills: Ability to write clear and technical reports in English

●      Advantage: Experience in Pacific, Atoll or Island Nations.


Quantity Surveyor

General description of the position: Prepare Bills of Quantities and preliminary cost estimates for the works for each site and drafting of works tender dossiers.


Qualifications and skills required:

●      Preferably, a postgraduate degree in Quantity Surveying. An additional qualification in Project Management and Technical Audit will be an added advantage.


General professional experience:

●      A minimum of 6-years professional experience.


Specific professional experience:

●      At least 6 years working experience in drafting bill of quantities and preparation of cost estimates.

●      Experience in valuation of construction works.

Language skills:

●      Ability to write clear and technical reports in English


●      Advantage: Experience in Pacific, Atoll or Island Nations.


Procurement Expert

General description of the position: Prepare works tender dossiers for all sites.


Qualifications and skills required:

●      Civil engineer, or equivalent, with more than 5 years of experience in procurement including experience with the World Bank Small Works (2 envelope process) Standard Procurement Document.




The project is to be delivered under a tight timeline where little scope for slippage occurs. The overall anticipated timeline is as per the figure below. The Consultant will need to work in parallel on a number of tasks to meet the timeline.


The consultants are to ultimately complete the detailed design and preparation of bidding documents, for the proposed projects (refer to attachment) within 6 months from the commencement of the contract. The following deliverables are expected from the consultant. The client will have 2 weeks to accept or return the deliverable with comments to be addressed by the consultant.


 Part 1 -Lumpsum Contract





% Payment

Desk-top Analysis, Site Visits, Consultation, Concept Design, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Environmental and Social Management Instruments, Cost Estimates, and Bidding Documents.

Lump sum contract (4 months)


Inception Report – collating desk review, initial site visits, stakeholder engagement plan, proposed project timeframes and workplan to deliver on ‘quick-wins’.


Within 2 weeks of commencement of contract

Month 1


Completion/Amendment/Acceptance of Concept Designs


Final concept design for each of the projects incorporating client feedback.

1.5 month

Month 2-3


Completion of Preliminary Designs


Final preliminary design for each of the project incorporating client feedback. Procurement strategy for physical works.

1.5 month

Month 3-4


Client Approval of Final Designs


Final detailed design (Drawings), Specifications, Bill of Quantities, Engineering Cost Estimates and Bidding Documents for each of the project incorporating client feedback.

1.5 months

Month 5-6


Tendering Support


Provide Bidding and evaluation assistance, responses to bidders’ clarifications during the bidding process for the Arrak campus works and NIHS contract as needed.

Throughout the bidding process (anticipated to be three months).

Month 6




●       Note: The person months are indicative, the consultants could propose adjustments to the required field and home-based man months. All Services that are not subject to agreed provisional sum under this assignment shall not be undertaken unless the Client and Consultant have agreed in writing (by exchange of emails or such other record in writing agreed), prior to the specific piece or pieces of work being undertaken. Any additional supervision services required will be dealt with by variation/change order. The Engineer of the contract will contact (in writing) the consultants when and where any design modification and updates to drawings are required.


●       There will be an inception meeting and regular ‘check-in’ meetings until completion of deliverables 1-5 under the contract. Additional meetings with the project Steering Committee will be communicated. The consultant should submit all deliverables in three hard copies and electronically in PDF and native (MS Word, AutoCAD etc.) formats. The Client will require a presentation of all deliverables before providing comments.




The consultant will be provided with:

●      Data, reports, maps and information related to the project.

●      All existing concept drawings, topographic surveys and similar.

●      Assistance from the PIU staff who will organize facilities and stakeholder meetings, as requested by the Consultant.





Concept drawings may be requested from PIU.





[1] The RMI ESSP Project Appraisal Document (PAD): ;

RMI ESSP Safeguards Documents:

[2] Generic Code of Conduct: