Org. De Financement | Engagements |
Borrower/Recipient | 5.00 |
Health Results-based Financing | 10.00 |
Ronald Mutasa
13 novembre 2015
(à la date de présentation au Conseil)
23 décembre 2015
USD 15.00 millions
USD 10.00 millions
8 septembre 2023
31 mars 2024
Org. De Financement | Engagements |
Borrower/Recipient | 5.00 |
Health Results-based Financing | 10.00 |
Type de produit/service | BIRD/IDA |
Engagement BIRD | N/D |
Engagement IDA | N/D |
Engagement BIRD + IDA | N/D |
Instrument de prêt | |
Élément don | 10.00 |
Coût total du projet** | 15.00 |
Pregnant women receiving antenatal care during a visit to a health provider (number) | Valeur | 169372.00 | 547509.00 | 560000.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 31 décembre 2014 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | July 2011-Dec 2012 dataSource: HMIS | Annual - Year 2014 dataSource: HMIS | End target revised taking into account project performance and extension of closing date.Based on annual - Year 2016dataDisaggregated by district and rural/urbanSource: HMIS |
Percentage of women 15-49 years, receiving during their first and repeat visits, one of the modern family planning methods in participating rural districts. | Valeur | 56.00 | 70.00 | 70.00 |
Date | 17 janvier 2012 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Source: ZDHS | Source: RBF Impact Evaluation | End target revised, and is to sustain the gains realized over time.Disaggregated by (a) first time visits, and (b) repeat visits.disaggregated by district.Modern family planning methods defined as oral contraceptives, injectable, IUDs or implants. |
Children immunized (number) | Valeur | 239998.00 | 555493.00 | 575000.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 31 décembre 2014 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | July 2011-Dec 2012 dataSource: Project database | Annual - Year 2014 dataSource: Project database | End target revised. Based on annual - Year 2016 dataDisaggregated by district. Number of children immunized under 12 months ofage with DTP3 (Penta3)Source: Project database |
Percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel in a health institution in participating rural districts | Valeur | 58.00 | 88.00 | 88.00 |
Date | 30 janvier 2012 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Source: ZDHS | Source: RBF Impact Evaluation | End target revised.Disaggregated by district and by level of facility at which delivery takes place.End target is to sustain thegains realized over time.Source: RBF Impact Evaluation |
Births (deliveries) attended by skilled health personnel (number) | Valeur | 53272.00 | 88734.00 | 95000.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 31 décembre 2014 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | July 2011-Dec 2012 dataSource: Project database | Annual - Year 2014 dataSource: Project database | End target revised. Based on annual - Year 2016 dataDisaggregated by districtSource: Project database |
Increase in average quality scores by health facilities in participating districts. | Valeur | 0.00 | 75.50 | 75.00 |
Date | 10 avril 2015 | 30 octobre 2015 | ||
Observation | Indicator dropped as it did not add much value to explain absolute improvements in quality of care. |
Number of women who had their first ANC visit during the first sixteen weeks of pregnancy in participating districts. | Valeur | 0.00 | 29763.00 | 35000.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 31 décembre 2014 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Indicator not yet introduced | Year 2014 dataSource: Project database | End target revised. Year 2016 dataSource: Project database |
Number of pregnant women living with HIV who received anti-retroviral to reduce the risk of MTCT. | Valeur | 9399.00 | 10874.00 | 11000.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 31 décembre 2014 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | July 2011-Dec 2012 dataSource: Project database | Annual - Year 2014 dataSource: Project database | End target revised.Based on annual - Year 2016 dataDisaggregated by district and rural/urbanSource: Project database |
Number of births attended by skilled health personnel in health institutions in participating urban districts | Valeur | 0.00 | 4602.00 | 6000.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 31 décembre 2014 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Before introduction of urban component | Annual - Year 2014 dataSource: Project database | Based on annual - Year 2016 dataDisaggregated by urban area Source: Project database |
Average quality scores by health facilities in participating districts | Valeur | 68.10 | 75.50 | 80.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 10 avril 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | July 2011-Dec 2012 dataSource: Project database | Source: Project database | Year 2016 averageDisaggregated by districtSource: Project database |
Percentage of partographs correctly filled | Valeur | 0.00 | 0.00 | 35.00 |
Date | 1 septembre 2015 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Source: Project database | Disaggregated by districtSource: Project database |
Project beneficiaries | Valeur | 3462354.00 | 3891555.00 | 4048774.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Rural districts onlySource: Census data | Rural and additional urban districtsSource: Census data | Disaggregated by districtSource: Census data |
Of which female (beneficiaries) | Valeur | 1796962.00 | 2019717.00 | 2631703.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Source: Census data | Source: Census data | Disaggregated by districtSource: Census data |
District Health Executives (DHEs) using quality tool for supervision of health facilities. | Valeur | 0.00 | 20.00 | 20.00 |
Date | 17 janvier 2012 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Quality tool not yet introducedSource: Project database | Source: Project database | Revised to clarify this measures ability to sustain gains.Indicators include use of the quality tool to supervise health facilityperformanceSource: Project database |
Health personnel receiving training (number) | Valeur | 3120.00 | 3868.00 | 3950.00 |
Date | 31 décembre 2012 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | July 2011-Dec 2012 dataSource: Project database | CumulativeSource: Project database | End target revised. CumulativeHealth workers who participate in RBF training and associated training linked to core services ofthe project. Numbers disaggregated by category of health workers (a) doctors, (b) nurses, (c) management, (d) support staffSource:Project database |
Health facilities constructed, renovated, and/or equipped (number) | Valeur | 0.00 | 407.00 | 407.00 |
Date | 17 janvier 2012 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | No processed data available at start-upSource: Project database | Source: Project database | Revised to reflect change in number of eligible facilities.This indicator relates to upfront investments in medicalequipmentSource: Project database |
Percentage of health facilities implementing Quality Improvement/Assurance model in the participating districts. | Valeur | 0.00 | 0.00 | 65.00 |
Date | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | ||
Observation | Initiative not introduced and trackedSource: Project database | Initiative not introduced and trackedSource: Project database | Revised for clarity. Source: Project database |
Percentage of children under 5 with diarrhea receiving ORT and Zinc | Valeur | 13.80 | 13.80 | 15.00 |
Date | 1 septembre 2015 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Baseline based on MICS 2014 resultsSource: Project database (Quality Checklist) | Baseline based on MICS 2014 resultsSource: Project database (Quality Checklist) | Disaggregated by districtSource: Project database (Quality Checklist) |
Percentage of maternal deaths given audits as per protocol | Valeur | 0.00 | 50.00 | 60.00 |
Date | 1 septembre 2015 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Indicator Not Tracked | Source: MOHCC Generic Report | Source: MOHCC Generic Report |
Percentage of children under 5 years with Pneumonia correctly managed | Valeur | 0.00 | 48.90 | 60.00 |
Date | 1 septembre 2015 | 1 septembre 2015 | 28 février 2017 | |
Observation | Indicator not tracked | Project database (quality checklist) | Disaggregated by districtProject database (quality checklist) |