Org. De Financement | Engagements |
IDA Credit | 6.40 |
Africa Olojoba
3 mars 2014
(à la date de présentation au Conseil)
8 mai 2014
USD 6.40 millions
USD 6.40 millions
4 juin 2024
31 octobre 2017
Org. De Financement | Engagements |
IDA Credit | 6.40 |
Type de produit/service | BIRD/IDA |
Engagement BIRD | N/D |
Engagement IDA | 6.40 |
Engagement BIRD + IDA | 6.40 |
Instrument de prêt | |
Élément don | N/D |
Coût total du projet** | 6.40 |
Percentage reduction of households vulnerable to flooding in the targeted municipalities as a result of improved infrastructure | Valeur | 70.00 | 70.00 | 30.00 |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | 70% of households vulnerable to flooding in the targeted municipalities due to clogged drainage infrastructure. | The technical studies and EIAs of the rehabilitation of clogged drains and channels that would lead to improved drainage andreduced flooding are at the final phase of completion. Two draft workshops have been held by key stakeholders | By project end, there will be 30% reduction of households vulnerable to flooding in the targeted municipalities as a result ofimproved drainage infrastructure. |
Number of alerts on flood risks issued per year using the Flood Early Warning System | Valeur | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20.00 |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | There are no alerts on flood risks due to lack of Flood Early Warning System. | The study for the installation of the early warning system has been finalized and the stakeholder workshop will be held by March28, 2013. | By project end, 20 alerts on flood risks would have been issued per year using the Flood Early Warning System. |
Pilot low-cost small scale sanitation project implemented and operational | Valeur | No | No | Yes |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | Absence of operational sanitation project (even smalll-scale). | The technical assistance is already in place since February 28, 2013. It is expected that as they are in place, other activitiesinthe component such as the development of wastewater master plans (covering Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi and Seme-Podji) and thewastewaterand drainage pilot project will soon start. | By project end, there will be pilot low-cost small scale sanitation project that has been implemented and is operational. |
Targeted municipalities with Communal Flood Contingency Plans | Valeur | 2.00 | 2.00 | 22.00 |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | Communal flood contingency plans funded by the UNDP in two communities in the targeted municipalities | The following contracts are are ongoing: (i) sensitization of the grand public on inundations; and (ii) proximity sensitization,pair educators and implementation of contingency plans; and the following ToRs have been approved: (i) cartography of inundatedzones;and (ii) organizational analysis of national management of disaster response. | By project end, 22 communal flood contingency plans would have been prepared and operationalized in the targeted municipalities. |
Installation of Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) | Valeur | No | No | Yes |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | Lack of FEWS in the country. The GTZ has done some feasibility studies on the Mono River. | The process of the purchase of 25 hydro-metric stations is ongoing. The study for the installation of the early warning systemhasbeen finalized and the stakeholder workshop will be held by March 28, 2013. | By project end, there will be installation of Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) on the Oueme River. |
Female beneficiaries | Valeur | 52.00 | 52.00 | 52.00 |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation |
Length of drainage network rehabilitated | Valeur | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.70 |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | Clogged drainage networks in the targeted areas. | No change as yet; as the technical and EIA studies are still ongoing. Thus, civil works have not started yet | By project end, 10.70 kilometers of drainage network rehabilitated. |
Rehabilitation of Fifadji Bridge | Valeur | No | No | Yes |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | The Fifadji bridge in a bad state and not rehabilitated | The EIA and technical studies; and supervisory works for the construction of the Fifadji bridge are still ongoing. The firstdraftworkshop has been held | By end of project, the Fifadji bridge has been rehabilitated |
Number of municipal solid waste collection points and/or transfer stations constructed and operational | Valeur | 13.00 | 13.00 | 40.00 |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | operational collection points constructed by PGUD-2 and CIDA available in the 5 municipalities. | The economic and technical feasibility study of the solid waste management system in Benin and in particular in the selectedmunicipalities has been completed. It is on this basis that the EIA and technical studies for the collection points and transferstationshave started | By project end, 40 solid waste collection points and/or transfer stations constructed and operational in the 5 adjoiningmunicipalities. |
Direct project beneficiaries | Valeur | 695000.00 | 700000.00 | 1426000.00 |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | At baseline direct project beneficiaries are estimated at 695000, out of which 361400 (52%) are female. | For now, not much has been done as civil works have not commenced yet. However about 7000 persons benefited from the sensitizationworkshops on behavior change before and after flooding. | By project end, 1426000 beneficiaries will have benefited from the project, out of which 741520 (52%) are females. |
Wastewater master plan developed for Cotonou Agglomeration (composed of Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi and Seme-Podji) and Porto Novo | Valeur | No | No | Yes |
Date | 26 avril 2011 | 27 mars 2013 | 31 décembre 2015 | |
Observation | There are no wastewater master plans for Cotonou agglomeration and Porto Novo. | The technical assistance is already in place since February 28, 2013. It is expected that as they are place, other activities inthe component such as the development of wastewater master plans (covering Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi and Seme-Podji) and thewastewater and drainage pilot project will soon start. | By project end, the wastewater master plan for Cotonou Agglomeration and Porto Novo will be available. |